How to change WordPress login URL?

As you might know, how hacking is happening on the internet, so our main task is to avoid it,

If you are a WordPress user, then you must know what happens when a website gets hacked, so that is why today through this article I am going to tell you how to change the WordPress login URL?

It is very important for a blogger to keep his blogging platform safe because nowadays, many websites are getting hacked and hackers mostly target those sites which are easy to hack.

How to change WordPress login URL?

That means, if you increase the security of your blog, then it becomes difficult for the hacker to hack that website, due to which your blog can be saved from getting hacked.

When we install WordPress, at that time we are given a login URL default i.e. (http://yourblog/wp-admin), which remains the same for all WordPress users,

Although some people set custom admin URL to increase WordPress security, and you can also protect your WordPress from getting hacked by changing WordPress admin URL, so let’s see, how to change WordPress Login URL.

How to change WordPress login URL?

There are many ways to keep WP (WordPress) secure, one of which is this, in which you change your WP Dashboard Login URL.

So your website will become 99% secure, only you do not have to share your custom URL with anyone.

Step 1. First of all, you have to log in to your WordPress and click on Add New in the Plugin section, and search for WPS Hide Login in the search there.

wps hide plugin

Step 2. After that, install and activate it.

wps hide plugin activate

Step 3. Now you have to go to Settings, from where you will set the Custom Login URL.

wps hide plugin settings

Step 4. Now you have to enter whatever custom text you want in the box in front of Login URL and click on Save Changes.

change login url

Now the login URL of your blog has changed, meaning it has changed from default (http://your blog/wp-admin) to Custom (http://your blog/custom-text), which will now keep your website secure.

How to Change WordPress Login URL? (Without Plugin)

If you want to change the default login URL without any plugin then you need to have cPanel for that, if not then you can use a Plugin.

Note: First of all, take a complete backup of your website, because if a mistake occurs while editing the file, you will be able to restore that backup again.

Step#1. First of all, login to your hosting’s cPanel and open the File Manager.

Step#2. Now you have to go to public_html folder, and edit wp-login.php.

Note: Before editing the wp-login.php file, save its code in Notepad so that if you make any mistake, you can undo it.

Step # 3. In which you have to search for wp-login in that file and replace it as per your requirement and save that file.

Now, your WordPress Default login URL has been changed. We hope that you have changed the login URL with the help of the mentioned steps.


I hope that through this article you have got to read complete information related to how to change WordPress login URL,

Also, you would have been successful in setting the Custom Login URL of your blog. If you liked this information, then definitely share it with your WordPress user friends.

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