All Computer Shortcut Keys List

You need to understand the significance of computers in this day and age, as their demand is growing every day, and new desktop users are unaware of computer shortcut keys. We will share all computer shortcut keys here.

All Computer Shortcut Keys List
A to Z Computer Shortcut Keys

Everyone wants to find shortcuts these days, whether in their work or any other field. However, taking shortcuts can shorten your tenure, which allows you to finish other tasks in the time that remains.

When we need to finish office tasks quickly, we frequently use computer shortcut keys. Without further ado, let us examine various computer shortcut keys that can help us save time.

All Computer Shortcut Keys 2025

You can use shortcut keys to make your work easier when working on a desktop or laptop.

But for those who use Microsoft Word, Excel, and other programs on a daily basis, this post will be very beneficial.

General Computer Shortcut Keys

Common computer shortcut keys that are used virtually daily but are typically unknown to most people are listed below.

Shortcut KeysFunction
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + CCopy the selected content
Ctrl + NOpen a new console
Ctrl + VPaste the selected content
Ctrl + WClose Windows Explorer or browser
Ctrl + XCut the selected content
Ctrl + YRedo an action
Ctrl + ZUndo an action
Ctrl (while dragging)Copy the selected item
Ctrl + Shift (while dragging)Create a shortcut of the selected item
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeysHighlight/Select a block of text
Ctrl + EscDisplay the Start menu
Ctrl + F4Close the active document (in multi-document programs)
Ctrl + Click (on a link)Open the link in the browser
Alt + DSelect the address bar
Alt + EnterView the properties for the selected item
Alt + F4Close the active item or quit the active program
Alt + SpacebarOpen the shortcut menu for the active window
Alt + TabSwitch between open programs/windows
Alt + EscCycle through programs/windows in order of opening
Shift + Arrow KeysSelect multiple items or text
Shift + F10Display the shortcut menu (right-click alternative)
DeleteDelete the content and move it to the Recycle Bin
Shift + DeletePermanently delete the selected item
Right ArrowOpen the submenu or move to the next menu to the right
Left ArrowClose the submenu or move to the next menu to the left
BackspaceView the parent folder in My Computer or Windows Explorer
EscCancel the current task
Shift (when inserting a CD)Prevent the CD-ROM from auto-playing

Windows Shortcut Keys

These computer shortcut keys can be very helpful to you if you use the Windows operating system, and they will make your work much easier.

Shortcut KeysFunction
WinDisplay or hide the Start screen
Win + BSet focus in the notification area
Win + DShow or hide the desktop
Win + EOpen File Explorer
Win + HOpen the Share charm
Win + IOpen the Settings
Win + KOpen the Devices charm
Win + LLock your computer
Win + MMinimize all windows
Win + ROpen the Run dialog box
Win + SSearch Windows
Win + TCycle through apps on the taskbar
Win + XOpen the hidden menu
Win + F1Open the Microsoft Windows help and support center
Win + Left Arrow / Win + Right ArrowSnap File Explorer windows
Win + TabOpen the Task view
Win + PrtScSave a screenshot in the Pictures folder
Win + Ctrl + Left / Right ArrowSwitch between virtual desktop screens
Win + Ctrl + DAdd a new virtual desktop
Win + EnterOpen Narrator
Win + +/-Zoom in or out using Magnifier
Win + EscExit Magnifier

Function Computer Shortcut Keys

A computer or laptop keyboard has roughly 12 function keys, but not everyone is aware of their purposes, even though we have listed them below.

Function KeyFunction
F1Display Help
F2Rename the selected item
F3Search for a file or a folder
F4Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer
F5Refresh the active window
F6Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F7Spell check and grammar check in MS Word, Outlook, etc.
F8Enter Windows startup menu, used to access Windows Safe Mode
F9Refresh document in Microsoft Word
F10Activate the menu bar in the active program
F11Maximize or minimize the active window
F12Open the Save As window in Microsoft Word

Special Computer Shortcut Keys

On every keyboard, there are unique shortcut keys that we can use in this manner without a mouse.

Navigation KeyFunction
PgUp (Page Up)Move up one screen at a time
PgDn (Page Down)Move down one screen at a time
HomeMove to the beginning of the line
EndMove to the end of the line
Ctrl + HomeMove to the first character
Ctrl + EndMove to the last character

Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys

Here are some crucial computer shortcut keys that can help you browse without a mouse if you use a computer or laptop running browser software like Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.

Shortcut KeysFunction
Ctrl + EOpen the Search bar
Ctrl + FStart the Find utility
Ctrl + HOpen the History bar
Ctrl + IOpen the Favorites bar (Internet Explorer)
Ctrl + LMove your cursor to URL
Ctrl + NStart another instance of the browser
Ctrl + OOpen the Open dialog box (Google Chrome)
Ctrl + POpen the Print dialog box
Ctrl + RRefresh the current browser screen
Ctrl + TNew Tab
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the recently closed tabs
Ctrl + Shift + IOpen the Developer Tools/Inspect Element window (Google Chrome)
Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDnJump to the next open tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUpJump to the previous open tab
Ctrl + Shift + NOpen a new window in Incognito mode

Computer Shortcut keys for Microsoft Word

The writing shortcut keys listed below can greatly aid in speed typing if you primarily use Microsoft Word.

Shortcut KeysFunction
Ctrl + BBold text
Ctrl + DDisplays the Font dialogue box
Ctrl + FDisplays the Find dialog box to search the current document
Ctrl + HDisplays the Replace dialogue box
Ctrl + IItalicize text
Ctrl + KCreate a hyperlink
Ctrl + NCreate a new document
Ctrl + OOpens a new document
Ctrl + PPrints a document
Ctrl + SSaves a document
Ctrl + UUnderlines text
Ctrl + Right arrowMove the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl + Left arrowMove the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl + Down arrowMove the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl + Up arrowMove the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph

These are the computer’s shortcut keys, which are crucial for all PC users. Do not forget to forward them to your friends.


I hope that the above list of useful computer shortcut keys will further simplify your work. Please feel free to share them with your friends.

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